The festive season is the busiest time of year for retailers, with Irish consumers still ranking amongst the highest spenders in Europe. In the lead-up to December 25th, it’s easy to forget the increased fire risk and additional fire safety challenges present in retail stores when demand is high. These risks are heightened by more stock, additional or casual staff, increased customer footfall, and the higher electrical load from festive lights and displays.
In this article, we offer practical tips to help ensure that staff, customers, and stock are protected from the fire hazards that come as Christmas approaches.
- Reduce Risk
Tip: Incorporate fire awareness into your daily routine and that of your employees.
Most retailers will have a documented fire risk assessment in their safety statement, outlining actions to prevent fires. Now is the ideal time to review this with your team. Go through each fire hazard and ask, “What more can we do to reduce the risk of fire?”
For example, with the additional stock, there’s a greater risk of fire exits and escape routes becoming blocked. Increase visual inspections of these areas to ensure they remain clear. The extra waste packaging can also represent a fire risk. Make sure flammable materials are stored safely away from ignition sources, such as heaters and light fittings. Contact your waste service provider to see if additional collections can be organised.
Christmas lights, while festive, add an extra fire hazard not present at other times. Ensure all connections are inspected by a competent person and that the wiring is checked for frayed cables.
- Emergency Plan
Tip: Ensure casual staff and new recruits are aware of your emergency plan.
Beyond reducing fire risks, it’s essential that all employees understand what to do in case of a fire or fire alarm. Responses should be rehearsed, with fire drills ideally carried out twice a year. However, given the extra pressure during the Christmas period, conducting a fire drill now, with casual and new staff included, is highly recommended.
Make sure evacuation instructions and emergency lighting are not obstructed by decorations or Christmas displays.
- Fire Protection and Firefighting Equipment
Tip: Ensure all extinguishers are accounted for and easily accessible.
All staff need to be aware of the fire protection and firefighting equipment available in your store and how to use it. Ensure you have adequate extinguishers placed throughout your premises, including CO2 extinguishers for electrical fire risks.
Remember: Using the wrong type of extinguisher on a fire can be ineffective and, in some cases, dangerous.
Check that all extinguishers are in their designated locations and that they aren’t obstructed by surplus stock. Fire extinguishers should be serviced annually by a competent person or service provider.
Additionally, your fire detection and alarm system is designed to provide early warnings. Ensure it is regularly serviced in accordance with Irish Standard 3218. In between routine services, perform daily visual inspections of the fire alarm control panel to check that the power supply is healthy and that no pre-alarm conditions exist.
- Employee Training
Tip: Remember to record all fire safety activities in your fire register.
All staff, including casual hires, should receive basic fire safety awareness training. It’s important to incorporate fire safety into the daily routine, beyond formal training sessions. Consider asking your fire alarm and extinguisher service provider to give a quick demo during their visits.
Ensure you have a designated fire warden who is trained to execute the emergency plan and remember that all training should be recorded in your fire safety register or logbook.
- Insurance
Tip: Ensure your contents cover adequately protects the additional merchandise you have in stock at this time of year.
It’s crucial to verify that your insurance policy provides sufficient coverage for the increased stock levels you bring in over the Christmas period. This can save your business from significant financial loss in the event of a fire.
By incorporating these fire safety practices into your business, you can ensure a safer and more secure festive season for your staff, customers, and premises.
If you Discover a Fire
Raise the alarm
Evacuate the premises
Call 999 or 112
Only tackle the fire if safe to do so
Be Smart. Be Prepared. Be Safe.