HIQA Fire Safety Handbook a guide for providers and staff

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) recently launched a fire safety handbook to help providers and staff of designated centres to meet their fire safety obligations. Designated centres are services the Chief Inspector within HIQA registers and inspects, which offer residential facilities for older adults, children and people with disabilities. The potential impact from…

Preparing for a Fire Officer visit

  Here in Ireland we have 30 fire services managed at local authority level. The staff of these fire services operate 220 fire stations across the country and are made up of full-time professional fire fighters and retained part-time staff. Under the provisions of the Fire Services Acts 1981 and 2003, authorised inspectors from the…

Expert Brief: Requirements of Irish Standard 291:2015 Portable Fire Extinguishers

Irish Standard 291 which governs the selection, commissioning, installation, inspection and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers was revised in 2015. We outline the key requirements here:   Competent Person Inspection Frequency At least every 12 months More frequently where the environment, risks or other factors dictate so.   User Inspection At least every month (recorded…

Manufacturer Spotlight: Geofire Salamander Fire Door Closer and Holder

Salamander opens the door to fully compliant wire-free fire door safety Geofire’s Salamander range of radio controlled fire door safety products have all the benefits of hard-wired electromagnetic door retainers and closers, but as the range’s devices are wire-free, they are quick and easy to install, saving time, installation costs and disruption to a building’s…