Expert Brief: Requirements of Irish Standard 291:2015 Portable Fire Extinguishers

Irish Standard 291 which governs the selection, commissioning, installation, inspection and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers was revised in 2015. We outline the key requirements here:   Competent Person Inspection Frequency At least every 12 months More frequently where the environment, risks or other factors dictate so.   User Inspection At least every month (recorded…

Manufacturer Spotlight: Geofire Salamander Fire Door Closer and Holder

Salamander opens the door to fully compliant wire-free fire door safety Geofire’s Salamander range of radio controlled fire door safety products have all the benefits of hard-wired electromagnetic door retainers and closers, but as the range’s devices are wire-free, they are quick and easy to install, saving time, installation costs and disruption to a building’s…